Who is the most dangerous island in the world?

Viewers Whenever we imagine a beautiful place, we think of a beautiful island where we want to spend our lives. No, this island is so dangerous that the government of this place has put a complete ban on tourism. Today we will talk about 6 such islands, so let's start.

Number 6. 

First of all, this island of Cornet Island is much more dangerous than its small size. On this island there are snakes called tiger snakes which are so poisonous that if they bite a human it will die in a few seconds. On this island in Australia there is one snake every inch. Yes, this snake is poisonous, but no one knows from where these snakes came to this island.
If you look at the history of this island, it is said that there used to be a prison on this island, but after a few months, this prison was completely closed.

 Number 5.

Now the island you are going to learn about is near Italy
Located in the triennial sea, this island has 3 active volcanoes. Active volcanoes mean volcanoes that have boiling lava and can erupt at any time. The lava is so abundant that it can be easily seen from miles away. The lava coming out of this volcano is not a matter of now, but it has been coming out for five thousand years and it is not stopping. Many people tried to conquer this island but failed. A hiker in 2019. tried to go here but was not found after that day.

Number 4.

Now let's talk about a dangerous island that is only 28 miles away from the state of California in the United States. The name of this island is de fero long island, this island is also known as devil steth because the mountains on this island are shaped like dangerous teeth, these teeth are not human but shark teeth. There are so many sharks in the water around this island that no one swims near it because of fear, but there is another reason why this island is dangerous is that in 1900 there were fifty thousand of radioactive in this water. The drums were dropped. Yes, scientists dumped the waste left over from nuclear tests into the water, which has become so dangerous that you could die if you even went near it.

Number 3.

The island we are going to tell you about now is located in the United Kingdom, and you will be shocked to learn about its terror. There are about two hundred human remains scattered all over this island. Researchers believe that These are the remains of prisoners who died many years ago due to an epidemic, and when a large number of people die, they are all buried together in the same place, but many years later, due to storms and high winds, the structures are buried in the ground. But emerge

 Number 2

  The island we will talk about now is also called North Sentinel Island. This island is very beautiful to see but it is also dangerous. This island is located in the Bay of Bengal, whose white soil and clear water add to its beauty. There are very dangerous people living on it who do not tolerate any human being at all. Anyone who visits this island is attacked with arrows and wounded by arrows. People believe that there is no disease in this island and everyone is healthy.
  Because this island has no connection with the rest of the world, no disease can be transmitted to them by outsiders. It is said that these people have been living on this island for years. In 2006, some fishermen visited this island They tried but the rain of arrows forced them back.

  1. Rambury Island

 This island is very close to the coast of Burma and is considered very dangerous because of crocodiles. At the end of World War II, Japanese soldiers were going home through the island when they were attacked by giant crocodiles. And only five hundred soldiers survived out of a thousand soldiers. Crocodiles had eaten five hundred Japanese soldiers alive, but according to the Guinness Book of World Records, this attack is the most dangerous crocodile attack in history, which has never happened before.

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